How can a business coach use LinkedIn

Here’s Why LinkedIn Should Be the #1 Social Platform for Business Coaches

I'm doing a lot of marketing work for coaches these days. I love the challenges and rewards of this niche and realize I bring a unique perspective to this type of work — and it's because I know the value of being coached. I've worked with coaches and mentors many times throughout my life — … Continue reading Here’s Why LinkedIn Should Be the #1 Social Platform for Business Coaches

LinkedIn is becoming Facebook and I don't like it

It’s the Facebookification of LinkedIn (All Over Again)

LinkedIn looks a lot more like Facebook these days, and it bugs me. I see more people choosing to post political stories and their personal take on those headlines.  I come across many "what I did at home this weekend" posts with photos better-suited for Instagram. Geeze! What's happening to my favorite business platform? Copy-Paste-Paste-Paste … Continue reading It’s the Facebookification of LinkedIn (All Over Again)